Welcome to the home page for Spring 2025, MAT2440: Discrete Structures and Algorithms I! Instructor: Prof. Shang-Huan Chiu Email: shang-huan.chiu40[at]citytech[dot]cuny[dot]edu Lecture Time: 08:00 am - 09:40 am on Mondays and Wednesdays Room: Namm Hall N-922 Office Hours: 10:00 pm - 12:00pm on Mondays or by appointment Textbook: K.H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Course Description: MAT2440 is an introduction of Mathemactical Thinking and its applications. We will first introduce the foundation of the Mathemactical thinking: the elements and operators which are utilized to translate the real world idea into Mathematical concepts. After the introduction, we will use the brain of Mathemactical thinking to study some basic topics. Topics include functions, relations, sets, simple proof techniques, Boolean algebra, propositional logic, elementary number theory, writing, analyzing and testing algorithms. Prerequisites: MAT 1375 or higher AND one of the following: CST 1201, CST 2403 or MAT 1630. Evaluation: Your final grade will be calculated as: Three in-class tests (50% total) + one in-class Final Exam (25%)+ In-class quizzes and class participation (10%) + Homework (10%) + Project (5%). Three in-class tests (50%): There will be three exams. If you miss a test for a verifiable reason (for example, illness or family emergency), you must notify me as soon as possible and provide a written verification from an appropriate authority (not a family member), otherwise you will score 0 for that test. Personal travel is not a valid excuse. Your lowest test grade will NOT be dropped, but it will only count for 10% while the other two grades will count for a total of 40% of your final grade. You are expected to take all tests. There will be no make-up test under any circumstance. Any missing test will be counted as zero. No extra time will be given in tests to students who arrive late. One in-class Final Exam (25%): The final exam will be a one-session exam based on the whole term. It will be given on the last day of classes, Wednesday, May 21, 08:00 am - 09:40 am. It is the responsibility of each student to be available at the time of the examination. You must take the final exam in order to pass the course. In-class quizzes and class participation (10%): The quiz will be given in the first 10 - 15 mins weekly when it is not a test or exam day. The grade will be evenly distributed over all the quizzes. There will be no make-up quiz under any circumstance. Any missing quiz will be counted as zero. No extra time will be given in quizzes to students who arrive late. Class participation includes class discussion and the classwork. The purpose of these discussions is to gain practice at analyzing problems and communicating effectively. You will get a classwork sheet in each class and you will finish the sheet in the class. Homework (10%): Homework will be assigned once the corresponding section is finished. You will have 5 days to one week to finish it. Only one or two selected questions will be graded. Project (5%): A writing project will be assigned during the semester. Homework: This course is designated as a Writing Intensive course You can find the selected Homework question numbers and schedule on page 4 of Course Outline. The homeworks will be collected and it will be helpful for you to answer the questions in quizzes/tests or class participation. The late homework is Not acceptable. Attendance policy: You are expected to attend all classes and are responsible for all the material covered. Attendance is required and will be taken at the beginning of each class. Lateness and students leaving before the end of the class period will be recorded. Available help: • You are encouraged to come to my office hours for help. Special Accommodations: If you need any accommodation, please take your request to the Center For Student Accessibility. Please visit their website for more information. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is an important component of any academic set up. Any work that you submit must be your own. Any student who uses devices, software, websites, or resources other than the ones permitted on this syllabus and /or on specific assignments will be found in violation of CityTech’s Academic Integrity Policy and will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee. Consequences may include probation, failing grades, suspension and expulsion. Please check City Tech Student Handbook for more information.
Resources and quick links Syllabus Course Outline Final Exam Review (TBA) Desmos Calculator Classwork, Quiz, and Homework Academic Calendar Perkins Virtual tutoring schedule(pending)